Articles & Tree Care

January Tree Care in New Zealand

As summer graces New Zealand in January, our trees thrive in the warm weather and long days. January is an ideal time to provide your trees with the care and attention they need.

Beaver Tree Service: Your local expert arborist

Proud to be a local business, employing local people and supporting local communities.

Difficult Tree Removal: Why Experience Matters

Urban environments often present unique challenges for tree care and tree removal. At Beaver Tree Service, we specialise in managing these difficult tree removals with precision and care.

Thank You for a Memorable 2024!

As 2024 comes to a close, Bryce, Mary, and the entire team at Beaver Tree Service want to extend our heartfelt thanks to all our clients for their incredible support this year.

Oh Christmas Tree! A Kiwi Arborist’s Take on a Holiday Hero

Ah, the humble Christmas tree. Whether it’s the centrepiece of your living room or a towering pine glittering in a public square, these festive icons bring the sparkle of the season to life.

Tree Care in December

As the days get longer and summer kicks into full swing, December is the perfect time to give your trees some much-needed care and attention.

Tree Care Tips

We’ve compiled these articles so that you too, can benefit from the experience and knowledge that our arborists and skilled tree techs have. We are committed to our customers and desire that you enjoy and value your tree’s as much as we do.

Giving back to the community in various ways is yet another one of our key focuses.

Plants that Tolerate Dry Sites

Tree Care Tips

Below is a list of plants and trees that like dry conditions…

Buxus Sempervirens (Common Box) Broadly conical, evergreen. Popular shrub for clipped hedges & topiary. Tolerates alkaline soils. Tolerates shade. Grows to 1-2m

Querus Prinus (Chestnut Oak) Broadly conical, straight trunk, deciduous. Tolerates dry sandy and gravelly soils. Little troubled by diseases or insects. Deeply and coarsely furrowed bark rich in tannins. Rare in NZ. Grows to 15-24m.

Dodonaea Viscose (Green NZ Ake Ake) Broadly spreading, evergreen. Tough shelter shrub for exposed and coastal conditions. Wood is hard and black, streaked with white. Attractive berries, fruits or cone. Grows to 3.6m.

Pinus Canariensis (Canary Island Pine) Narrowly conical, broadening with age, evergreen. Suited to drier, hotter parts of NZ. Tolerant of exposure – a landscape feature. Can survive fire. Resinous heartwood. Grows to 20-30m.

Spring & Summer Tree Tips

Spring is the perfect time to prune your ornamental trees, the sap has stopped rising, most trees are finishing flowering & leaves have developed. Trees are actively growing so any cuts are going to heal well. Trees are less prone to disease or infections due to the above reasons when pruned at this time of year. So for healthier trees & more sun during those evening BBQ’s & entertaining prune at the right time. If you need help or would prefer an expert arborist to do this for you please give us a CALL NOW on 344-6223 for your FREE Spring Tree Appraisal.

Attracting Tui to Gardens

Not only have New Zealand’s Tui been described as one of the seven best songsters in the world, they are key pollinators for many native plants and important seed dispersers for native trees such as kowhai. Sadly, Tui disappeared from Banks Peninsula about 20 years ago due to a variety of reasons including habitat loss, introduced predators and possibly disease. The last birds to be seen in any number were around Akaroa. Only one or two birds have been reported since then.

The Banks Peninsula Conservation Trust, in partnership with local hapu is working to restore the Tui to Banks Peninsula. The plan has support from the Department of Conservation, Lincoln University, and the Christchurch City Council. To flourish, Tui need trees, flowers, and insects. Tui are keen nectar feeders. This food is more than 70% of their diet at peak time of the year. Fruits and insects are also important. Ecologist Hugh Wilson, of Hinewai, has confirmed there is now enough year-round food available on Banks Peninsula for Tui. This guide for planting can help you attract Tui to your own property.

What you can do to help

  • Provide good habitat – regeneration mixed hardwood forest, protected from grazing animals, offers good nesting territories nectar and fruit sources and insect prey.
  • Gardens may help significantly with Tui tucker, as Tui are known to travel a long way to good nectar sources at the right time of year.
    Use locally sourced native plants – great not only for Tui but for restoration.
  • Remove predators and grazers – priorities for removal are:
    – goats, deer, cattle, sheep and pigs
    – ship rats and possums
    – cats and stoats
  • Report Tui sightings to the BPCT coordinator or enter into the NZ Biodiversity Recording System (

Tui Top Six Plants
Kowhai, Mountain Flax, Cabbage Tree, Mountain Five Finger, NZ Ngaio & Tree Fuschia

The Symbolic Power of the Olive Tree

Even today the olive tree has retained its symbolic power amongst the different cultures and nations.

The tree of wisdom: In several cultures tradition says that the olive tree was gifted from the gods to people. Thus, the symbol of the goddess Athena beside the owl symbolised an olive branch.

The tree of peace: Irena, the god of peace, daughter of Zeus and Themed, was always depicted with an olive branch in her hand. Later, in periods of war, the couriers of peace were sent holding a symbolic olive branch in their hand.

The tree of hope: In the Old Testament a dove returns with an olive branch in the ark, in order to announce the end of flood and bring hope to people.

The tree of fertility: In folk tradition of Greek medicine the olive oil is considered to be aphrodisiac. People offered to new couples bread in oval shape were they previously purred the first oil of the year, as an antidote to sterility.

The tree of health: The value of olive oil to the health is widely known for centuries. Thus, the olive tree symbolises power and health. Moreover, this symbolism is totally accurate due to the fact that olive trees are long-lived, simple and resistant.

The tree of wealth: For many families the olive trees and their products represent the main source of income.

The tree of balance: The olive tree was considered to be the tree of balance by the Celts. For this reason they devoted the day of 23rd of September to it as that particular date the day has the same duration as the night.