Spring Cleaning for Your Trees: Perfect Time to Refresh Your Outdoor Space
As we settle well into spring here in New Zealand, there’s no better time to refresh and prepare your outdoor spaces for the warmer months ahead.
Orchards: What to Consider Before You Start
Starting an orchard in New Zealand is a rewarding venture that can provide fresh, home-grown fruit for years to come. However, the process requires careful planning and ongoing care to ensure success.
The Magic of Blossoming Trees in New Zealand
As winter begins to loosen its grip, one of the most anticipated events in New Zealand is the arrival of spring, signalled by the blossoming of trees across our landscapes. For those of us who work with trees, like the team here at Beaver Tree Service, this is a truly magical time.
Horticulturist vs an Arborist
In New Zealand, with its unique landscapes and diverse plant life, people often hear the terms “horticulturist” and “arborist” used when discussing plant care. So, what's the difference?
The Importance of Trees in New Zealand
Trees are an integral part of New Zealand’s unique landscape and play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance, improving public health, and even shaping the cultural identity of New Zealand.
The Importance of Hiring a Certified Arborist
Maintaining the health and safety of trees, particularly in urban settings, is not a simple task. It requires the expertise and experience that only a certified arborist can provide.
Tree Care Tips
We’ve compiled these articles so that you too, can benefit from the experience and knowledge that our arborists and skilled tree techs have. We are committed to our customers and desire that you enjoy and value your tree’s as much as we do.
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