Going Native….Trees!

Going Native!
With the festive season fast approaching, it wouldn’t be a true Kiwi Christmas without our New Zealand Christmas Tree, the Pohutukawa. With its bright red flowers blooming from November to January, it’s a great way to add bright and festive colour to your landscaping.
Pohutukawa is also great for attracting native birds, offering a year-round roost and summer nectar for Tui, Bellbirds, Kaka and Stitchbirds.
Placement is crucial if you are considering planting a Pohutukawa tree, as they grow to become huge trees and can cause problems if planted on too small a section or near fences and other structures.
For smaller gardens, planting trees like Kowhai will not only help brighten up your garden year-round, but also attract native birds like Kereru and Tui. Kowhai flower from July to November, which makes them a great source of nectar for birds through the winter season. Tui are known for flying long distances just for Kowhai nectar!
Rather than using a traditional bird feeder, why not plant native plants to feed our native birds? Five finger, New Zealand Flax, and Coprosma are all good for Kiwi gardens and keeping our native species fed. If you have the space, planting enough varieties of native trees and shrubs can provide a year-round supply of food for birds.
Keeping your garden and trees healthy is another good way to attract native wildlife. Before the heat of summer really kicks in, we recommend spreading mulch in your garden, to help keep soil moist and suppress weed growth. Mulch also provides a home for many insects and critters that birds love to feast on!
Whilst native species may be designed for life in Aotearoa, they will still need regular care and maintenance. Beaver Tree Service love our native trees and want you to get the most out of them by helping you keep them healthy! Give us a call, and we will gladly advise you on how to keep your native trees growing strong.
Bryce Robb is Director / Head Arborist of Beaver Tree Service