Native Trees Mean Native Birds

Native Trees Mean Native Birds
Have you considering adding native trees to your gardens? If all goes well, they may attract natives birds. We all love NZ’s beautiful trees and the birds are very beautiful.
An excellent tree to consider adding to your garden or Makomako (or Wineberry). This lovely tree produces tiny, sweet fruit and is irresistible to birds, including the Korimako or Bellbird!
Makomako is a quick-growing tree, it does well in moist, fertile sites. It is quite common in forest clearings and at the edges of renewing forest. It has heart-shaped leaves, light green on the top and red-dish underneath. In colder parts of NZ, it is semi-deciduous, shedding most of its green leaves by the end of the winter season. Funnily, though, the fruit is edible, but the seed within the berry is bitter and should be discarded. I wouldn’t recommend eating it, though.
Plant this tree, and with a few prayers, you should expect to see Korimako (Bellbirds) playing in your backyard.
What native birds have you noticed in your garden?