
Arbor Day 2018

Planting one tree per student with St Johns Hill School.

Supporting Cancer Society

$10 from every job we complete in Taupo goes to Cancer Society.

Help Us Help Them

Supporting small businesses through the 2020 Covid-19 lockdown.

Much Mulch for All

Providing free mulch to schools, churches, community gardens and the mulchery in Wellington

Kapiti Youth Run

Raising funds and fitness for Kapiti’s youth!

Special Children’s Christmas Party Canterbury

Helping some very special kids have a great Christmas party

Get in touch

For general enquiries, fill in the form or give us a call. We’re happy to hear from you!

North Island free phone: 0800-423-283
Christchurch free phone: 0800-422-328

We have branches in communities across the Central to Lower North Island and Christchurch:

Beaver Tree Service - North Island
77 Brunswick Road
Whanganui 4571
Email us

Beaver Tree Service - South Island
373 Wigram Rd
Christchurch 8025
Email us