Spring Editorial

spring tree trimming

After what has been a tough winter for so many, it’s such a relief to know that Winter is over, and Spring is here! 

Winter is over, Spring is here!

After what has been a tough winter for so many, it’s such a relief to know that Winter is over, and Spring is here!  Longer hours, sunnier days, and warmer weather make spending time in your garden a must.  But with the more severe winter weather we’ve just experienced, there could be some unforeseen damage that needs to be tended to before your trees put on their summer growth.

Damage to trees can put them at risk of disease and with the increase in extreme weather events we’ve been experiencing, untreated damage could result in your trees failing during the next big storm.  Removing damaged, diseased, or dead wood will help keep your trees healthy, while pruning will encourage new growth.  It will also reduce the risk of your trees failing.

On another note, if your garden is feeling a little gloomy, even with the sunnier days, trimming or removing some trees can brighten things up, making your garden a space you want to be in this Summer.

Spring is also a great time to plan and plant in your garden.  If you’re looking to add a little more Spring colour Magnolias, Flowering Cherries and Flowering Crab Apples trees have an abundance of flowers in Spring and can be spectacular.

When planting trees in your outdoor space, it’s important to consider the size the tree will become, where the best light is, and how the position of the tree could affect current plants and structures within your garden.  Carefully selecting the right tree or plant for your space, as well as being mindful of placement, will ensure a space you can enjoy far into the future.  For smaller gardens, planting compact, or dwarf varieties of trees means you can enjoy all the benefits of a larger tree in a smaller space!

For all your tree services, including trimming, pruning, stump grinding, and even tree removal, please give us a call. We’re the arborists you can trust – satisfaction guaranteed.


Bryce Robb is Director / Head Arborist of Beaver Tree Service
