Spring has sprung!

Spring has sprung!
It might still be a little cold, windy, and wet, but the days are definitely getting longer, the flowers are starting to bloom, and the trees are putting on new leaf – Spring is here!
Before too long the longer, sunnier days, and warmer weather of summer will arrive and spending time in your garden will be part of your day-to-day life again.
With high winds and large amounts of rain, your trees could have been damaged during the Winter months and that could put them at risk of disease, failing or dying. Before your trees put on their summer growth now is an ideal time to get them assessed and maintained for the coming summer months. Pruning and removing damaged, diseased, or dead wood will help keep your trees healthy, while pruning will encourage new growth.
With Spring in the air, and your trees in mind, a gloomy garden should also be a priority. A gloomy garden on a bright Spring Day could mean your trees are creating too much shade, It may be worth considering trimming, thinning or even removing some trees to brighten up your outdoors spaces.
Spring is also a great time to consider how you use your outdoor space and what planting might enhance your garden. Native trees are a great enhancement to any New Zealand garden and can provide year round colour as well as food for birds and bees.
However, while some New Zealand natives are available as compact or dwarf varieties, great for smaller gardens, some natives can get very large in a very short amount of time. Check before you buy and plant, and remember that regular maintenance is a must for all trees in urban spaces!
Spring is one of our favourite times of year at Beaver Tree Service, so let’s get out, enjoy the sun, and make the best of your outdoor space today!
Call now!
Bryce Robb is Director / Head Arborist of Beaver Tree Service